College Relationships: 7 Reasons to be in one

7 Reasons It's Great To Be In A Relationship In College

College is a time to expand your mind, explore the world, and find yourself. In just a few short years between 18 and 22, you will make the transition from teen to adult.

There is a widespread belief that you need to have certain experiences to make the most of this era, like wild parties and hookups. Likewise, if you’re in a relationship, you might feel the temptation to join in the fun of your single friends. But, there are several reasons why you’re better off staying committed during your college years.

1. You will encourage each other’s goals

In your early 20s, you’ll start to feel the pressure to establish yourself. If you’re focused on doing well in your classes, getting an internship, and building your resume, it might seem like dating would be a distraction. But a relationship can be a great source of strength.

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You’ll have someone cheering you on through the hard times, and to believe in you when you lose faith in yourself. What’s more, you’ll learn how to balance responsibilities in the workplace and in your personal life.

You’ll have someone cheering you on through the hard times, and to believe in you when you lose faith in yourself.

2. You have a plus one for every party

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Being in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to miss out on tailgates and house parties. Going out is more fun when you can let loose with your significant other. And if you happen to have a drink too many, you’ll always have someone to get you McDonald’s and hold your hair back while you throw up.

3. You’ll have lots of free time

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In high school, you were bound by parents, curfews, and after-school commitments. Later in life, balancing work and social life leaves little time for dating. College is the sweet spot where you have tons of free time to spend with your sweetie. You’ll have days on end to hang out and really get to know each other.

4. You’ll always have a travel buddy

Most people want to travel in their early 20s. With a group of friends, it can seem impossible to make travel plans. Everyone is strapped for cash, has different schedules, and can’t decide on a destination. It’s tempting to jet off on your own, but for women, it’s not always safe. Your partner can share fun new experiences with you, and you can feel safe traveling in exotic lands.

Your partner can share fun new experiences with you, and you can feel safe traveling in exotic lands.

5. You’ll avoid hookup culture

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You might envy your single friends who always have a juicy new story about a guy they met. Being in a committed relationship, you’ll miss out on the excitement of a new crush. But it also means missing out on heartbreak, STDs, and awkward mornings after. You’ll have the relief of knowing you have stability and love.

6. Being broke together can be fun

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Later in your 20s, you’ll have more money for nice dates. Being a college student on a budget forces you to think outside of the box a little. You can have sweet times together playing games, enjoying outdoor activities, cooking together, and attending free concerts. It’s free, and the memories will last forever.

Being a college student on a budget forces you to think outside of the box a little.

7. Relationships help you grow as a person

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Many choose to stay single in college for the sake of independence. They might believe that being in a relationship holds you back. But being attached doesn’t have to hinder personal development. A relationship can be a great opportunity to grow as a person.

While there’s nothing wrong with putting yourself first, learning to compromise is an essential skill. It helps to have someone keep you accountable, and point out shortcomings that you might overlook.


In our modern culture, we are bombarded with messages that your twenties are about being selfish and hedonistic. In college, the walk of shame is no longer shameful. But opting out of the stereotypical college experience doesn’t mean you can’t have just as much fun. If you’re spoken for, there’s no need to give up your beau for the sake of freedom. And if you’re single, don’t be afraid to take a chance on finding love.

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