Breaking away from toxic ties

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If you have a problem, you believe it is something every couple faces and will pass. But there are problems that can’t be ignored and the sooner you accept that they are happening, the easier it will be for you. 
One of them is when you are being strung along by someone who is your whole world.

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If something awkward like this happened, the first thing you need to do is to cut every possible contact with him. That means no messages on social media or texting, no phone calls, and no communication if you see him in person.

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The worst thing that can happen is that you start blaming yourself and forgive him all that he has done to you. Fuck that shit! He is the guilty one and he should have his tail between his legs and vanish from your life.

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I am not saying you need to jump into someone’s bed the day after you break up with him, but after you feel that you are ready, open your heart to someone new.But this time be smarter and more curious. Give yourself more time to get to know him and don’t let him know that you are always available for him.

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