The guy at the office is into you, he is just shy

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You have seen him countless times stealing glances, you know that feeling when you sense that someone is watching you? That he is watching you? You know that he’s staring at you and that he is thinking of how to approach you Yeah, you know, and it feels so good.

You don’t want to lift your head up because you will ruin the moment. If he realizes that you are onto him, that you know he’s watching you, he will stop because he is afraid of admitting to you and himself that he likes you.

This is an obvious sign that he cares but is scared. One moment he is all loving, kind and caring and the other moment he’s distant and cold. This seems like some endless inside battle of his. Is he going to let you in or not.

Image result for office flirting

He’s sending you mixed signals, and you are not sure how to react. Are you going to leave him because you think he is leading you on, or are you going to stick with him long enough to make him just come out and say.

He is taking you out, he is inviting you over for a movie, and so on. This means he likes you. If he wouldn’t want to hang out with you or if he is interested in you just because of other things like sex, for example, he wouldn’t call you to go out and want the two of you to spend that much time together.

Image result for flirting at the office

He feels good being around you but he won’t admit it to you yet.

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