How To Protect Your Leather Items This Rainy Season

Image result for leather items

If you do not have a portable umbrella, or an umbrella, by now then you do not live in Kenya as at now. Cold air, damp floors, muddy paths and heavy traffic is now the order of the day.

It is this season that we like to hide our most priced possession one of them being real/genuine leather, to some of us they cost us an arm and a leg and would not want it to lose value.

In fact, leather is extra vulnerable in the rainy season. Here’s why:

Image result for leather soaked in water

This is what leather looks like after it was soaked in water. It leaves stains and spots, cracks, and several leather pieces lose its flexibility. Leather acts like a sponge when in contact with water. It soaks it up which may cause it to break down prematurely. Despite it being known as strong and durable, leather and moisture do not go together.

So if you don’t want your leather items to look like the photo above, know how to take care of them properly. Here are a few hacks:

1.Waterproof it

Before you head out in the rain, waterproof all your leather items. Use a leather lotion and apply it using a soft cloth onto the leather. This protects it from soaking the water and moisture. Spray water and stain repellant after. Reapply every 2-3 months.

How To Keep Your Leather Items Safe This Rainy Season
Image by: KiwiCare
How To Keep Your Leather Items Safe This Rainy Season
Image by: American Duchess

2. Dry it out

Image result for wiping leather

If the leather has already been wet, Dry it out with a soft, lint-free towel and gently dab the water off. It’s important to remember that leather is fragile when touched by water, so don’t wipe it! Wiping will only rub the moisture further in. After doing so, leave it to dry in room temperature.

3. Re-shape

Image result for stuffing papers in leather shoes

After being exposed to water and moisture, leather becomes limp and weak. Stuff newspapers in your leather items to sustain the shape. Newspapers also help in reducing moisture, so it’ll be easier to dry your damp leather items.

4. Avoid using heat

How To Keep Your Leather Items Safe This Rainy Season

Leather is not designed to tolerate direct heat. Too much heat can cause the leather item to shrink. So unless you purposely want it to get smaller, its best to keep them in room temperature.

5. Rid of stains

Image result for leather cleaner in kenya

Being exposed to water and moisture can leave stains and spots on leather. Remove them with leather cleaners. Spray it on the affected areas and lightly dab it on the leather.

6. Condition

Image result for leather conditioner in kenya

After being dried and cleaned, the texture of the leather also becomes rough and wrinkly. This may induce cracks and damage the leather. To avoid this, use a leather conditioner. It acts as a lubricant and also protection from water. Make sure that the item is completely dry before applying

Maintenance and treatment for leather items is a necessity. Either may harm the leather if not done correctly, so it’s best to leave it to the professionals. Visit a Doctor Leather branch near you. Hurry, before it starts pouring!

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