This Is Why Your UTI Keeps Recurring

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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common infections that can affect the bladder, the kidneys and the tubes connected to them and are particulary common in women. This is because men have an ‘outty’ and women have an ‘inny’.

UTIs can be painful and uncomfortable, but usually, pass within a few days and can be easily treated with antibiotics and some have reportedly used home remedies and have confirmed complete healing.

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However, we have heard of people having the condition reoccurring more than usual, which is not good as it has negative effects, not only the bladder but also the reproductive system.

This is why UTI keeps recurring

1.You are not peeing after sex

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You are having too much sex your urethra may be inflamed. This is because the penis pushes up the bacteria up your bladder and the next thing you know you have a bladder infection. Make it a practice to pee after sex

2.You are using strange virginal products

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Don’t try and make your virgina to smell good, if your virgina smells bad and/or have an unusual discharge it is advisable to see a doctor. Virginas are self-cleaning so if you use those products it messes up with your good bacteria. Plain water will do

3. You ignore symptoms

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When you start feeling a burning sensation in your virgina and you ignore, you are more likely to damage your bladder. See a doctor immediately you suspect you have UTI

4. You are not drinking enough water

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Peeing washes away bacteria, so if you do not drink water you stay for long without peeing and the bacteria grows in you. If your urine is dark then you need to drink a lot of water to keep a healthy bladder and kidney.

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