What You Need To Know About Insecurities And How To Keep Them At Bay

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One thing everyone should know is that there is nothing unique about insecurities because everyone has there own set of worries. The only difference is how you let them affect your life.

A good number of people let their insecurities get into their head. Insecure thoughts can be like a plague or an evil negative roommate except they live in your head. But like crappy roommates, your insecurity can be evicted.

It’s not easy to completely remove your insecurities it needs full commitment. Here are some tips to get you along with the journey.

1. Create a self-esteem spank bank.
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Whenever you hear something positive about yourself or think something positive about yourself, store it in a mental file to look at when you are feeling low.

2. Look into your environment and adjust accordingly
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There might be people in your life who are reinforcing your insecurities. Those people have to go.

3. Take social media breaks
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Most people post about the best parts of your life which can make you feel kinda crapy about your life and yourself. Taking breaks from social media can give you clarity on your reality and help you recharge.

4. Comparison syndrome
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Are you always looking into other people’s lives? Are you constantly tryna figure out what kind of phone Mr X has or what car Miss Y drives? Well, this can make your insecurities even worse, so instead of constantly looking around look forward.

5. Thou shall not covet.
Source: Giphy

When someone looks good or has something good going for them to compliment them. Do not turn it into something you do not have.

6. Re-purpose your social media to help your self-esteem.
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Find people with similar quarks, find pages with art, affirmations, and people going through the same things as you. It is very important to see people like yourself and see them in a positive light (and see them frequently)

There’s nothing worse than feeling insecure, it turns into a bitter annoying person who people are always trying to figure out. Instead of being someone who is burdened with emotions because of other people you just need to fall deeply in love with yourself and you will attract all the best things in life.

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