10 Reasons Why MEN Find Women Who Travel ABSOLUTELY S3XY!

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Travelling is one of the most rewarding and exciting things you can do in this lifetime.

In most scenarios, men are known to be quite adventurous. So it only makes sense for them to date people who make traveling a priority!

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A girl who travels is someone who you want in your life, and if you need more convincing, read these 10 reasons to date a girl who travels:

She’ll never bore you

Girls who travel are the most exciting partners because they’re never boring—ever.

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Whether she’s trying to get you to go on another adventure with you or she’s recounting one of her favorite stories from her backpacking trip last summer, there’s never a dull moment with her.

Wouldn’t you want such a girlfriend in your life?

She Knows Who She Is

Travel has a way of letting us find ourselves. A girl who travels is sure of herself and knows herself backwards and forwards. She’s not one to second guess herself or hesitate.

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She’s Up For Anything

Being a traveler primes you to be prepared for just about every curveball life throws at you.

The more exciting and new the experience, the better. This girl is game for whatever you think up.

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She’s Spontaneous

One of the best things about travel is that it allows the traveler to be totally spontaneous.

Traveling between countries is often very easy (and cheap) in some parts of the world, such as the European continent, so you’re allowed to be as spontaneous as you like.

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Girls who travel are likely to decide to do something at the last minute. And, if we’re being honest, that makes whatever you’re doing twice as fun!

She’s Independent

Travelers, in general, have to be independent and rely on themselves. Girls who travel aren’t going to be clingy or high maintenance.

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Travel teaches us that independence is the only way to be truly happy and free while abroad.

She’s Smart

Regardless of how much education she has, she will be smart. There’s no way to travel extensively without a lot of knowledge and common sense.

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She’s not ditzy, and she’ll always think through her problems. Travel can sometimes seem like one big vacation from start to finish, but it’s often a lot of hard work. She’s been there and she’s got the smarts to tackle any problem.

She’s Active

No one who travels extensively is the kind of person who loafs around the house.


This girl wants to do something all the time, whether that’s go biking, hiking, swimming, or just take a walk around the neighborhood. She’s always ready to go. Be sure you can keep up!

She Loves Trying New Things

Traveling is all about getting to experience new places, cultures, foods, and adventures. So it stands to reason that well-traveled girls love trying new and exciting things.

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And that means you’ll be trying new things as well. There’s never a dull moment!

She’s Well Spoken

To communicate effectively in other countries and with all the people one encounters while traveling, a person has to be well spoken.

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A girl who travels knows how to say what she means and how to say it well.

She’s never going to want to stop traveling

The ultimate reason to date a girl who travels? So you can travel with her! There’s nothing like traveling with a romantic interest, and the experience will likely serve to strengthen your relationship.

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Not to mention, this girl knows what she’s doing and is bound to enhance the experience with her knowledge.

You’re in for a wild ride, but it’s certainly worth it. And if you are one of the lucky ones and you find yourself with a girl who travels, do your best to give her yourself completely.

After all, she already has the world.

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