Safe method ! Best Birth control at every age

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Your Birth Control should probably change as you get older , your life is different, and so are your health risks.

Whether you’re 15 or 50, one rule remains the same: If you haven’t hit menopause and you don’t want a baby, then you need some kind of birth control.

But that doesn’t mean you should stick with the same method for all of your fertile years. In fact, it’s often wiser to make some changes along the way.

The best pick for you today might no longer be a winner in a few years, and if you haven’t thought about your contraception in a while, it could be time for an update. So what’s the ideal option for you right now?

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In your 20s these are types of the pills recommended by the medics;

The Pill is a popular pick at this age, and it might be ideal for you or maybe not.

Many 20 somethings live a hectic lifestyle, notes Dr. Minkin. “Can you remember to take a pill every day? That’s the major question,” she says. “If you look at the scientific literature, you’ll see that the average number of forgotten pills can be as high as 4 per month!”

Each missed pill further reduces the efficacy of this method, so skipping several is pretty risky if you’re trying to avoid getting pregnant.

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In your 30s;

If you’re happy with the method you were using in your 20s, you might be able to stay with it, but there are some important caveats.

“If you’re over the age of 35 and you’re a smoker, you shouldn’t be taking birth control pills,” says Minkin. Ditto for rings and patches, because the hormones will raise your risk of a heart attack, stroke, or blood clot.

These risks exist for non-smokers and younger smokers, too, but are much lower.

In your 40s;

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You’ve probably heard that your fertility takes a nosedive in this decade, and that’s generally true. But there are also plenty of “surprise” pregnancies among women in this age group.

“I have personally delivered babies for three women who were 47 years old and not trying to get pregnant!” says Dr. Minkin. You’re not in the clear until you’ve gone a full year without a period.

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