10 Ways To Start Living Your life: Not A Life Determined By Others!

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Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in your life? That the current life you live is a by-product of what others told you about you?

That the current situations you are in are out of your control? If that’s the case, then you are in a list of the millions of people that believe they are trapped in the lives that they live.

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Shockingly enough, there is no aspect of life too difficult to overcome. In fact, by simply tweaking these 10 different facets of your life, you can live an enriching experience full of pleasure, splendor and joy!

Be it in your health, relationships, and career:

1. Stop Over-consuming refined sugar

Surprised? If you stop consuming sugar, your brain will radically change.

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Actually, study after study is showing that refined sugar is worse for our brains than it is for our waistlines.

Refined sugar is nothing more than poison because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins, and minerals.

It makes you cranky, makes you take rash decisions, and further makes you stupid.

This could be one of the reasons why you’re having a dampening mood all the time!

2. Say “No” to people, obligations, requests, and opportunities you’re not interested in from now on

This is extremely important.

“No more yes. It’s either HELL YEAH! or no.” 

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Your 20 seconds of daily courage will most consistently involve saying “no” to stuff that doesn’t really matter.

But how could you possibly say “no” to certain opportunities if you don’t know what you want?

You can’t. Like most people, you’ll be seduced by the best thing that comes around. Or, you’ll crumble under other people’s agendas.

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But if you know what you want, you’ll have the courage and foresight to pass up even brilliant opportunities — because ultimately they are distractors from your vision.

3. Stop Consuming the News or Reading the Newspaper

Although the amount of warfare and deaths by human hands are reducing globally, you will not get that message watching televised news or reading the newspaper.

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On the contrary, these media outlets have an agenda.

Their goal is to appeal to your fears by inflating extreme cases — making them seem normal and commonplace. If they didn’t do so, their viewership would plummet.

You can get high-quality news curated from Google news.

When you detox from the toxic filth that is public news, you’ll be startled as your worldview becomes radically more optimistic.

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There is no objective reality. Instead, we live in perceived realities and are thus responsible for the worldview we adopt.

4. Fast for 24-hours from all food and beverages once a week

One-day (24-hour) food fasts are a popular way to maintain health and vigor. Fasting leverages the self-healing properties of the human body. Radical health improvements occur when the digestive system is given rest and the organs get ample time to repair and heal themselves.

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A regular practice of fasting can:

Improve digestive efficiency
Increase mental clarity
Increase physical and mental vigor
Remove toxins
Improve vision
Give a general feeling of well being
Like all the other habits, fasting gets easier with practice.

5. Avoid the Internet At Least Once A Week

Dedicate at least one day every week to avoid all forms of the internet altogether.

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This includes social media, videos, and content. Not only does it help you to unclog your mind, but also gives you an opportunity to go outside and enjoy nature at its fullest.

You can be surprised how a good some sun and exercise can do for your mood!

6. Do Something Every Day That Terrifies You:

A person’s success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.

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Twenty seconds of fear is all you need. If you courageously confront fear for 20 seconds every single day, before you know it, you’ll be in a different socio-economic and social situation.

Make that call.

Ask that question.

Pitch that idea.

Post that video.

Whatever it is you feel you want to do–do it. The anticipation of the event is far more painful than the event itself. So just do it and end the inner-conflict.

7. Go to bed early and rise early

According to countless research studies, people who go to bed and rise early are more proactive and are more likely to anticipate problems and minimize them efficiently, which leads to being more successful in the business.

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Other benefits of going to bed and rising early — backed by research — include:

Being a better planner
Being holistically healthier as individuals
Getting better sleep
More optimistic, satisfied, and conscientious
Waking up early allows you to proactively and consciously design your day.

8. Get 7+ hours of sleep each night

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Let’s face it: sleep is just as important as eating and drinking water. Despite this, millions of people do not sleep enough and experience insane problems as a result.

getting a healthy amount of sleep is linked to:

Increased memory
Longer life
Decreased inflammation
Increased creativity
Increased attention and focus
Decreased fat and increased muscle mass with exercise
Lower stress
Decreased dependence on stimulants like caffeine
Decreased risk of getting into accidents
Decreased risk of depression

9. This is Powerful: Decide Where You’ll Be in Five Years And Get there in Two

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There is always a faster way than you originally conceived. Actually, goal-setting can slow your progress and diminish your potential if you rely too heavily upon it.

An ideal way to go about it is to work on experiments or projects for 6-12 months at a time.

If they do extremely well, the possible doors that could open are endless.

10. Remove all non-essentials from your life (starting with your closet)

Most of the possessions you own, you don’t use. Most of the clothes in your closet, you don’t wear. Get rid of them.

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They are sucking energy from your life. Also, they are dormant value waiting to be exchanged for dollars.

Getting rid of underutilized resources is like injecting motivation and clarity into your bloodstream.

While all of that untapped energy gets removed, a new wave of positive energy comes into your life. You can use that energy in more useful and productive ways.

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