Reality Shock That Hits Men Thirsting for Slay Queens

Slay Queens will undoubtedly keep most men ‘alert’ as they walk around the streets and most of the men will keep their eyes fixed on them, everyone knows it very well the attention these beauties command.


Men chasing the slay queens should get this piece of advice before you hit on a diva; better known as a slay queen in Kenya. Thank me later.

 1. She’s being eyed by other men.

Don’t be too ignorant. You are not the only one who is hitting on her. There are other men who are busy chasing her with much more money than your HELB peanuts.

 2. She will go for the highest bidder.

You surely have to up your game. Show her that you are not a jerk, that money ain’t a problem to you and that you are ready to shower her with a new love that will last. Remember there is competition; the best wins.

4.Team Make-ups.

Honestly, she can’t do without it. It’s an art that you’ve got to appreciate and put up with. The thick layers of mascara, lipsticks with shouting colours and much more. Mtaka cha mvunguni sharti ainame, should make sense to you.

16 things Slay Queens do that everyone is tired of

5.My dress my choice.

Just because she has a titillating body, her dress code has to be explicit. When you see her in skin tights, figure hugging mini dresses to flaunt her body just know that that will be the trend. Put your jealousy aside ooh.

6. A heartbreak could be real.

There is that kapride when someone realizes that she has that which the rest have but hers is much better. You must have heard that notion that very cute lasses are best players. Get it in your head that she might use you and dump you.

16 things Slay Queens do that everyone is tired of

7.The modern Delilah

She is a beauty with brains. Men are visual beings who get carried away by appearance. Beware, she could be the devil straight from hell, trying to rob off your soul. She will definitely make you a means to an end.

Watch a video of the real beauty of slay queens that can ‘slay’ any man

8.Health status.

Just don’t be lured to go overboard only to cry a river alone, bitter with regrets. Your health matters most, control your desires, dude. Get tested together before hitting the jackpot.

Do you think beauty is anything one should put more focus on in relationships?

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