Happiest Couples Live In One Bedroom Houses- Burale Robert

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Renown city pastor and relationships expert once said that he is ready to give his all before he dies.

I want to die empty. Robert Burale Said

True to his word, this man of the cloth has been providing relationship advice for free. Through social media, Tv Programs, publications as well as conferences and seminars. He has helped many

One striking character of Burale is that he is candid and true and speaks his mind and from his views, this man has a great deal of knowledge and experience in relationships. The only thing that leaves questions in peoples minds is that he divorced his wife despite all the family knowledge he possesses.

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After warning lovers against sex before marriage, as rule number 1,Burale drops another reality of life that wealth is not a factor in happy marriages.

“Number one rule, no sex before marriage. The ladies, the moment you allow a man to sleep with you, your value goes from a hundred to zero in one night. Let him enjoy the benefits on your wedding night,” Burale said.

Of the many things he shared, one stood out that happiness in marriage is not determined by wealth status. He says that most of the happiest couples actually live in a one bedroom house and not maisonettes and bungalows.

” Some of the happiest couples live in one bedroom houses …True happiness is not necessarily a mansion or big cars. Many are crying in mansions (they just have many rooms to cry in ) as expensive mascara trickles down. Some men are also “dead” beneath the expensive suits. The Coach. Burale Wrote

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