Dial a P2! Contraceptives to be delivered to your doorstep

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Doorstep delivery is the in-thing now, from shopping abroad to getting a large item delivered directly to your doorstep and now morning After pill can also be delivered to your doorstep just right after sex. That I know will save a lot of ladies from having unwanted pregnancies and be coerced by their lying boyfriends that all will be well.

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Yes, the awkward exchange with a pharmacist when asking for emergency contraception could be a thing of the past. For the last six weeks, EllaOne, who make the morning after pill, has been trialing an express service in Greater London, where you can get the pill delivered within three hours.

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And for anyone outside London, delivery of the pill the next day is guaranteed. Women who want to take the morning after pill should take it as soon as possible after having unprotected sex as it becomes less effective the longer you wait. Most morning after pills are effective up to three days after having unprotected sex but EllaOne can prevent pregnancy up to five days after.

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A recent survey conducted by EllaOne, found that 46% of those surveyed had had unprotected sex in the past year, but only 27% took emergency hormonal contraception.

With many people feeling embarrassed or judged to speak to their doctor or pharmacist, this new service might make them feel more comfortable.

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Users have to fill out a short survey online and as long as no concerns are raised, the pill will be sent out in discreet packaging that fits through your letter box, so you don’t need to worry about being at home.

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The survey is based on the same questions as those asked by a pharmacist to make sure you can take the pill. For example, checking that you aren’t taking any medications that impact how effective it is.

If you are on medication or have a medical condition, the survey asks you to enter your email address so you can speak to their pharmacists.

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