Timmy T Dat, Willy Paul find soulmates; top entertainment chat

Kenyan Artists Willy Paul and Timmy T Dat have dominated the Tuesday conversations for making it public that they have found their soulmates.

Being among the best in the music industry, their fans have probably been wondering who is warming their beds or at least who they are crushing on.

Although you might not know about who is warming their beds anytime soon, the two artists have revealed the ladies who are currently the closest to their hearts.

Let us start it off with Timmy T Dat, the artist who comes off as ‘wild’ and put together. Tanzanian Queen Rosa Ree would have a different description since lately they have been hitting it on and hanging out together.

Rosa Ree says that he was shy in the beginning but now, they are pretty much going with the flow.

Could she be the soulmate?

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From what we know, if you feel nervous about meeting someone for the first time, it could mean so much including you have a silent crush on them.

With Timmy T Dat and Rosa Ree you can tell that this is not just a crush but the chemistry between them has intensified from their music to admitting that they are really close now.

Speaking of their music, the duo released a new collabo today and it is all sorts of lit? Have you watched it? I bet you should since they might not just be your best celebrities but the next new couple in town.

Still on the celebrity couple, Do you think Willy Paul and Nandy stand a chance?

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Well the two have made it clear several times that they are just friends but some of their fans do not buy it.

If they are not dating now, then there are chances that at some point, they will.

The Singer Willy Paul has today revealed that they both care about each other and went further to say that he can take a bullet for Nandy.

Is there something special going on? 

At least this will not catch us by surprise if it happens. But I know of something that will totally shock you

The South African pastor who ordered his followers to eat grass

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If you thought the wonders of the world are over you might want to hold that back for a minute.

PastorLesego Daniel of Rabboni Centre Ministries, South Africa asked part of his congregation to eat grass from he church garden saying that it is nice food.

The Pastor went further to say that some people will claim that he is a false prophet but this did not seem to bother him.

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The minister, who was branded as a “miracle man,” reportedly made his congregation of about 1,000 eat the grass as part of a ritual to show that humans can be controlled by God’s spirit.

Online reports indicate that when the church members ate the grass, a few claimed they were cured of their ills.

Do you think your faith can make you obey such instructions from a man of God?

Would you eat grass for the sake of your faith?

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