Ladies!!!Why perfumed bathing soap shouldn’t touch your vagina

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It has now come to ladies attention that Vagina shouldn’t be washed using perfumed soaps or sprayed as it isn’t healthy.

The vagina is designed to keep itself clean with the help of natural secretions (discharge). furthermore, you aren’t allowed to use douches or vaginal wipes.

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Find out how to help your vagina keep clean and healthy, and why you don’t need douches or vaginal wipes.

The external sex organs, which are called the vulva, surround the vaginal opening. Generally, good vaginal health is maintained by making sure you’re in good general health.

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There are lots of bacteria inside the vagina, and they’re there to protect it.

The vagina contains more bacteria than anywhere else in the body after the bowel, but the bacteria are there for a reason.

  • provide “numerical dominance” – they outnumber other potentially harmful bacteria that might enter the vagina.
  • help keep the vagina’s pH balance (how acidic the vagina is) at an even level, which helps keep the balance of bacteria healthy.
  • can produce bacteriocins (naturally occurring antibiotics) to reduce or kill other bacteria entering the vagina.
  • produce a substance that stops invading bacteria sticking to the vagina walls, which prevents bacteria from invading the tissues.
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Vaginal discharge is not ‘always a bad sign. There is a myth that copious clear or white discharge is associated with sexually transmitted infections.

The character and amount of vaginal discharge varies throughout your menstrual cycle.

The healthy discharge doesn’t have a strong smell or color. You may feel uncomfortable wetness, but you shouldn’t have any itching or soreness around your vagina.

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Cleaning your vagina with soap disrupts this balance and can cause lots of side-effects. Soaps can make your vagina itchy and uncomfortable and give you yeast infections, which can create a burning sensation. All you need to do to keep your vulva clean is to rinse it with water in the shower.

Research suggests that douching significantly increases the chances of pelvic inflammatory disease, which affects the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. If left untreated this can cause infertility.

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The flavored condom was created for oral sex and not for penetrative sex. They usually contain sugar (which makes them taste so nice) and are usually scented to suit their flavor (which makes them smell nice too).

You may believe that brand cream are less dengerous but studies have found that this is not the case. So not only should you not use these creams around your vagina but you should avoid using them on your body altogether.

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