How a simple shave puts you at risk of contracting STI

Doctor strongly advises men, women against shaving pubic hair

Have you been shaving your Pubic hair?  Here’s what you need to know about the dangers of shaving off all of your pubic hair, and why you shouldn’t shave for a partner.

Humans are the only mammals with thick, coarse pubic hair.

Most of us don’t like keeping our bush natural, so we resort to shaving or waxing. But there’s a reason pubic hair stuck around as we evolved.

Scientists believe it traps pheromones and attract mates plus, it prevents friction when we get it on.

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Shaving or waxing can make skin itchy, red, and irritated or, even worse, result in ingrown hairs or tiny tears where bacteria and STDs can enter.

So if you’re cool with it, there are some serious upsides to letting your pubic hair grow freely.

According to Ignitius Kibe, the hair was placed there for a good reason and helps with friction during intercourse.

Speaking to a local TV Channel, the specialist said the hair also helps increase pleasure for both parties during intercourse. “I know many people prefer having pubic hair,” he said.

Also, he warned shaving off pubic hair leads to unnecessary wounding of the skin and also leaves people with rashes and bumps. “It often causes an allergic reaction. People tend to react badly to shaving,” he continued.

According to Ignitius, people who do a lot of landscaping in their nether areas are exposed to the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

This is because the wounds created by razors leave unhealed openings that can be easily infected.

Image result for why you shouldn't shave your pubic hair

When asked whether it was safe to wax the area or use creams to get rid of excessive hair, the doctor said that was not advisable.

“Some women shave their hair but their husbands do not like or support this,” he said.

Research also indicates that most people who shave are prone to infectious diseases in their private areas.

On whether it is safe to use shaving creams and waxing for hair removal, Kibe says that this might not be any safer.

He also mentioned that it is important to understand whether your partner likes it when you shave or you keep it bushy.

His point is that partners should be able to agree on such matters.

Unkept pubic hair can also be a tragedy and some end up getting pubic lice and other infections so if your choice is to let the hair grow then it should be clean and tidy too.

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