Why ladies are going to the gym commando


To wear or not to wear underwear (in addition to your black stretchy pants) is only one of many questions fit ladies have. But whether you’re a commando convert or a boy short believer, there are a few things you should know about health and hygiene when it comes to your wonder down under.

No VPL here. Photo: Stocksy

If you consider going commando, you have to ensure your leggings are firm, breathable and moisture-wicking to help sweat dry and not move around your skin too much.

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Uncomfortable pants that are less fitting will result in the constant rubbing of your labia, and this can cause abrasions, swelling or inflammation.

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you may not realize how sheer your leggings are, but others surely will.

Irritation around your labia is another common cause of discomfort during a workout. Mostly, the fabric of your underwear, such as satin and lace, are responsible for the irritation. Why not do away with that extra layer of potentially irritating material?

Bacteria and yeast tend to grow in warm, moist places. people hate using such words because they don’t sound nice to ears.

Experts states that any extra moisture in the vaginal area can definitely promote yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis.

The material causes more friction and irritation, and any friction or irritation can make little cuts or microabrasions in your skin, and those cuts can lead to bacterial infections, which can cause discomfort, itching, redness, pain.

It’s actually probably safer to go commando than to wear thongs.

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Generally, there is the fear of contracting vaginal infections at germy places- precisely what gyms are- and the thought of not wearing underwear beneath your yoga pants definitely worsens your case.

Ladies are naturally self-conscious about being or feeling exposed, and that is why going commando to the gym does not make a lot of sense. Well, it does not end there as going sans undies to the gym has a couple of benefits:

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Aside from what you wear down there, the number one way to prevent infections is to remove your sweaty clothes as soon as your workout is complete, and take a shower ASAP. Use warm water and a mild soap, and refrain from using douches, scented powders, or sprays.

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