‘Let him enjoy the benefits on your wedding night’Robert Burale advises ladies

Robert Burale is well known as a relationship expert. He shared a great advice to the ladies and reminded them that they should not fall for sex before marriage.

He said; “Number one rule, no sex before marriage. The ladies, the moment you allow a man to sleep with you, your value goes from a hundred to zero in one night. Let him enjoy the benefits on your wedding night. Never go to the man’s house on the first, second and third date. Once you get to know the boundaries is when you get the respect.”

During the 8th Annual Malaika Tribute Awards founded by Daddy Owen after doing an amazing job as an emcee had hard reality checks to tell the Kenyan gospel artistes; “Well considering all the drama that is surrounding them. Nobody is perfect but as a young gospel artiste, [you should] hide under the blood of Jesus. Don’t do showbiz for yourself. The Bible is clear, lift Jesus.”

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