How to Turn a FWB Into A Relationship


The whole purpose of a friends with benefit is to avoid the pressure of a relationship. Some people, like Sarah, enjoy them for that reason and they run their course without any disappointment.

Other fwbs conflict with a slow-brewing need for clarity, resulting in the kind of drunken outburst which can be described as a common part of the unwinding of a relationship.


It’s not the best way to resolve conflicting feelings.

The ideal way is to make sure it’s a setting where you can have an honest conversation and no one is an altered state.

Also avoid bringing up the “what are we?” talk before or after sex and don’t compound it into another argument.


Honesty is the best policy, and most people are not averse to hearing, “I really like you,” even if there is some difficult “talking” to come afterwards.

An open and frank conversation is the only productive transition. Tell them, This is a good partnership for me and make sure to ask them how they feel.

If you don’t feel comfortable doing so, your relationship is probably a poor candidate for an upgrade.

If you are confused or the other person is clearly putting it off, you should question if the whole arrangement is right for you.

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