Apparently We’ve Been Eating Pineapples Wrong Our Entire Lives, This Will Blow Your Mind

How To Eat Pineapple Properly Life Hack

Ever thought you have been eating pinaples wrong all your life?Thank goodness for the internet.

Without it, how would we know that we’ve been storing peanut butter wrong our entire lives?

Or using can-openers wrong our whole lives? Or washing our hands wrong? Or applying our cologne all wrong? Or flushing the toilet wrong? And, gasp, pouring our Guinness all wrong?!

I really don’t know how the human race managed to survive before the world wide web came along.

Image result for How to eat a pineapple: it looks like we've been doing it all wrong

Now comes news that we’ve been eating pineapples all wrong our entire lives. Yep, pretty much everything we thought we know is a lie.

If you eat your pineapple by cutting off that hard skin, then slicing the juicy fruit part up into tasty bite-size chunks, you, like me, are an idiot.

Image result for How to eat a pineapple: it looks like we've been doing it all wrong

I know this now, and so do you, because of a video someone shared on TikTok that went viral this week on Twitter which shows exactly what big dummies we’ve all been for far too long.

You are not ready for this…

The method quickly made the rounds on Twitter, with users in shock that they never knew it was possible to eat a pineapple like this – and also aghast that a ‘human can chew this loud in 2019’. Sorry, Dillon.

Image result for How to eat a pineapple: it looks like we've been doing it all wrong

One user explained: “You can do this because pineapples are actually berries. As the fruit grows the individual berries coalesce together. Each ‘eye’ is a single individual berry. They may seem fused together, but if you start from the top, you can pluck each eye one by one.”

Consider our minds blown.

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