Exposed! How Raila is milking Kenya Airways through his son

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There are a lot of theories about why Kenya Airways (KQ) is struggling to make profits.

The iconic company is sinking in debt and is now trying to take over the management of JKIA as a survival tactic.

Nairobi is the commercial centre of East and Central Africa, KQ cannot therefore be struggling due to market issues.

Poor decision making and rampant corruption have been blamed for the decline of the ones promising airline which was dubbed the pride of Africa.

And as conversation around the JKIA takeover, Miiguna Miguna has revealed that Raila Odinga could be one of the powerful individuals behind the struggles of the airline.

While @WilliamSRuto used a fictitious Mr. Singh to steal the KCAA’s land on which he built Weston Hotel using stolen public money, both @RailaOdinga and @UKenyatta are using a shell company AAL and PROXIES like @Railajunior to steal JKIA from Kenyans. #KTNPointblank #JKIA #JKLive— Dr. Miguna Miguna (@MigunaMiguna) March 6, 2019

So Raila Odinga Junior is one of the majority shareholders of the company? We didn’t even know that. Miguna says that Raila could be using his son as a proxy to milk the airline.

Do you think this is true? Let us know in the comments

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