Caroline Mutoko’s advice on sharing private life on Social media- video

Caroline Mutoko

Exposing every bit of your life on social media is a fulfillment by most celebrities.

However, Caroline Mutoko declares that she is not indicted to publicize her private life.

Caroline Mutoko

She simply doesn’t talk or post about her personal life even though she has been on the map for years.

“For some people, it’s a non-negotiable (sharing their personal life on social media), I am one of those people. It is not up for discussion and for me if you ask anyone who works in media like Caroline Mandi of True Love she will tell you that I am very clear, my home is off limits. My home is not available and my circle of friends have the sort of lives and jobs that can’t afford nonsense and actually sometimes we both need plausible deniability to each other. So I don’t share that. I feel that sharing that leaves me very little in terms of places I could retreat to a cocoon or cave of love and understanding and just us-ness that has nothing to do with the rest of you. So yes there are some people who will say no and I am one of them. And even when I have said yes before, I have watched the monster that can be social media and I have to choose very carefully what can be put out there, how much and in what manner,” Caroline said on her YouTube channel.

This declaration was in response to a video done by NTV’s Sharon Mundia where she had expressed discomfort over sharing photos of her daughter with Lonina Leteipan as it is one of the few things in her life that are not for public consumption.

Sharon Mundia

“When it comes to things that matter so deeply to me, I want to keep them close to myself and to the people that care for me and I care for deeply in this world. I just want to keep that circle small. That’s why you don’t get to see her, learn about her (Naila) I just might talk about my motherhood journey coz that’s my journey but things to do with her, that’s her business it’s between me and her and the people closest to her. I am choosing to keep that private…We don’t get to discuss that,” she said in a video that attracted mixed reactions.

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