Okari Loves Kamba Women but Who Paid For His Wedding This Time?

Image result for dennis okari and naomi wedding

By now it should be pretty obvious to you that Dennis Okari has a thing for Kamba women but there is another minor detail that escaped your memory, his love for free things!

Many will remember that Dennis Okari’s previous wedding was highly publicized and heavily documented on social and mainstream media that by the time they were done with their marketing budget, every single human being within the borders of the republic knew about it.

The honeymoon was also a big affair as they went to the Middle East and unlike other couples, the honeymoon pictures were plastered all over the internet.

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Why, you must ask?

The honeymoon was said to have been a negotiated collaboration with one of the top traveling agencies in the country, Bonfire Adventures, according to some social media users.

There were also some very wild rumors that the wedding and the honeymoon, and even some of the presents like the fuel guzzler Betty Kyallo acquired immediately after were either partly or fully procured by one of the most influential governors in this country.

Image result for dennis okari and naomi wedding

The presence of the Travel power couple the graceful Sarah Kabu and her husband Simon Kabu in Dennis Okari’s wedding was seen by some as an indication that Bonfire Adventures was again contributing to the man’s wedding.

This assumption has been refuted by those who say the Kabus might be at the wedding because the bride is an employee of Bonfire Adventures.

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