6 Kenyan memes that perfectly match your class prefect back in the days

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As the KCPE and KSCE candiates complete their finals , one thing they will discuss in their adult hood will be non other than their school memories , and notably the class chief who for one reason or another made their life either boring or memorable.

Every class, fun or sad moments depended on the prefect you had .
Some prefects were awesome, some were just there while some were plain evil. No matter which school you attended, you probably encountered these kinds of prefects in both primary school and high school.

1. The perfect prefect.

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There was the prefect who got everything right. They never offended anyone. They were neither authoritative not too humble. Fellow students loved them. They just handled their job with ease, like they had been doing it forever.


The lazy prefect.

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This one was a prefect only by name. They never did anything. Most likely, they had been appointed as the prefect without their consent. They hated their job and you could see it by just how disinterested they are. Most of the time, such prefects ended up being punished with the rest of the students.


3. The grudge prefect.

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This was a no go zone prefect , even if you were absent , he still started with you in his list of noisemakers.
This type of prefect hated specific people in the class. Every time a teacher asked who was making noise, the prefect would just name some specific people, even if these people were innocent and busy studying.

4.Prefect Mtiaji.

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This one always had a list noise makers ready, everyday, everytime. They never asked anyone to be silent. They just kept looking around and writing down names. Whenever a teacher showed up, they’d quickly hand over the list, even without being asked. And if it was ten minutes into a lesson and the teacher hadn’t shown up yet, they’d rush to the staffroom to remind the teacher, yet students just wanted to chill.

5. The overworking prefect.

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This prefect always seemed to do too much work. It’s as if they were being paid a salary. They advised the teacher, they always made sure the class was clean, they managed fellow students well and so on. Unfortunately, some of them worked harder in their prefect roles than they did in academics.

6.The cool but authoritative prefect.

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This type of prefect never wrote a list of noisemakers but they made sure everyone in the class was quiet. They would bark at you if they had to and probably give you a last warning. Some would beat you up if they had to. All in all, you kinda liked them because you were sure they’d never give you up to the teacher.

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