Parents reason for increased school dropout

Parents are to blame for the high number of school dropouts at Marioshoni in Elburgon, an administrator has said.

Area chief Samson Salimu said: “Parents and guardians have neglected their roles and responsibilities. Many family conflicts have been reported in my office. This contributes to students’ absence and the increase in number of school dropouts,”

Molo Sub-County Director of Education Joseph Chebor urged parents to take their roles seriously. “A number of parents do not provide basic necessities for their children,” he said.

Mr Chebor warned boda boda operators who have been preying on young girls, saying the law will soon catch up with them. Some of the affected primary schools are Marioshoni, Ndoswa Timdolel, Robei, Timoo and Kimonio.

Students‟ dropping out of school is a great concern of any government or society. Despite many policies and strategies developed to enhance a smooth transition rate in school,
there are still students who withdraw from school prematurely.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26, for instance states categorically that everyone has the right
to education (UNESCO, 1998). To achieve this, the Kenyan government laid two policies and allocated money in the National budget to provision of education to her people.

Education is a very important part in developing human beings. Sharma (2004) writes that human beings need education because they are destined to be real men, not beasts,
dull animals or chimps of wood. This is because education is the cornerstone of economic growth and socio-development and a principle means of improving the welfare of an

As a result, it increases the productive capabilities of the societies and thepolitical, economic and scientific institutions. It also helps to reduce poverty by increasing the value and efficiency of labour offered by the poor and mitigating the
population, health and nutritional consequence of poverty (Mulwa, 2008).

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