Tears Of The Boy child: ” Girl Child Empowerment is Detrimental to the Boy child.”

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Today is the Day of The Girl all over the world where women gather to share the milestones they have achieved in the society which was dominated by the boy child.

Girl child on this special day are reminded where they came from , the sufferings they went to in the struggle to be heard and get a voice in the society.

Over the years the empowerment programmes have been pushed by different women in the society who have the voice. The main aim is to make the girl child scale up in the society and have a voice in the pertinent issues .But the big question remains what happens to the boy child who in the recent cases is suffering . They have been overlooked and left to stand for themselves.

Im afraid for the boy child, maybe the women empowerment came to detriment the men in the society at the expense of achieving the gender balance.

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Some people tend to justify the sudden collapse of the boy child with some sort of emerging life trends ,which I tend to agree with but wholly satisfied.

It all started taking the wrong course when this term was used to justify the capabilities of a boy child. ” be a man.” As always said make the boy child thrive to keep up with the society expectations even when they are in horrifying ‘calamities.

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As each day unfolds they encounter different mysteries. sexual assault which even to some people thing it is not realistic,( they don’t believe in a man being raped, even some sodomized) victims of harassment in different phases of their lives .But now the unbearable truth is that almost 55% of our boy child is struggling with drug abuse. And in our society people are ready to point hands without asking what prompts some’ traits’. Maybe the drugs offer them the “solace “they have been denied.

Struggle for the boy child existence is real. Right now if you walk in any University lectures, the number of man is just devastating, they miss lectures to make ends meet. I don’t think if they still receive same treatment as the ladies, no they don’t. For instance in a public service vehicle if a lady lacks a few coins for the fare it can be taken lightly, but just imagine what happens to a man? Nothing less than being gashed outside through any possible opening. So sad.


The society has placed ridiculous unrealistic expectations on the boy child. With the fear of not failing they struggle to live up to the task, in whichever way. As a result they end up being frustrated or meet the rogue side of the police force and the law. Are they craving for our extinction?

The world needs to re think about the boy child in the society. The much focus given to the girl child makes them feel vulnerable in the end being swept away by the waves of the trends.

Many cases have been reported on boys committing suicide. The rate of boys  who are serious addicts to drugs is always rising each and everyday.

The modern society has made the boy child to feel they were born all mighty they can do everything on their own. They tend to do as the society expects in the end they turn out to be ruined humans.




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